Spend time with your Grandparents - even if it is just for a hour or so to say hi and have a short chat. Time with grandparents is precious. I've never heard anyone say they wish they had spent less time with their grandparents.
Quiet time alone - even if you are surrounded by other people is an important part of a healthy relationship. A walk is an excellent time to get to know each other better through uninterupted conversation.
Spending time with your best friend's mom gives you a chance to know both of them better. We all know that our friends' moms are cooler tan our own mom, anyway - right?
Make a date to meet for coffee with a friend you haven't spent much time with. It will be a chance to catch up on the latest news and to let your friend know you haven't forgotten him or her.
They don't have to be fancy - they can just be flowers from your yard. Have the person in charge give them to a resident that doesn't get any visitors. You are sure to brighten up somebody's day.
Pet shelters put your old towels to good use. They are used after dogs are bathed and as disposable bedding for animals after a spay or nueter operation.
People don't make mistakes on purpose (that would just be someone doing a bad thing). When someone makes a mistake be gracious and try to work out a solution - even if it is inconvenient for you. Remember - you might be the person making the next mistake.
If you have done something that has hurt another person (intentionally or not) Tell them you are sorry you caused them pain. It is a way to start a dialog and the healing.